



Sample code

Not supported yet


const rxjs = require('rxjs'); const express = require('express'); const config = require('./config.js'); const marketStreaming = require('./Streamings/marketStreaming'); const app = express(); const port = 3051; Not supported yet



from .fc_client import TradingAPIClient from .fc_client import MarketDataClient from .models import tapi_model_pb2 from .models import md_model_pb2 from .config import fc_config # from fc_client import TradingAPIClient # from fc_client import MarketDataClient # from models import tapi_model_pb2 # from models import md_model_pb2 # from config import fc_config import random def md_get_securities_details(market, symbol, page_index, page_size, option, ct_config): md_rq = md_model_pb2.SecuritiesDetailsRequest() md_rq.Market = market.upper() md_rq.Symbol = symbol.upper() ifpage_index == None: md_rq.PageIndex = 1 else: md_rq.PageIndex = page_index ifpage_size == None: md_rq.PageSize = 10 else: md_rq.PageSize = page_size


Not supported yet

Sample Response

  "data": [
      "RType": "SAMPLE",
      "ReportDate": "03/05/2024",
      "TotalNoSym": "1",
      "RepeatedInfo": [
          "Isin": "SAMPLE",
          "Symbol": "SAMPLE",
          "SymbolName": "SAMPLE",
          "SymbolEngName": "SAMPLE",
          "SecType": "SAMPLE",
          "MarketId": "SAMPLE",
          "Exchange": "SAMPLE",
          "Issuer": "SAMPLE",
          "LotSize": "1",
          "IssueDate": "03/05/2024",
          "MaturityDate": "03/05/2024",
          "FirstTradingDate": "03/05/2024",
          "LastTradingDate": "03/05/2024",
          "ContractMultiplier": "1",
          "SettlMethod": "SAMPLE",
          "Underlying": "SAMPLE",
          "PutOrCall": "P",
          "ExercisePrice": "1",
          "ExerciseStyle": "SAMPLE",
          "ExcerciseRatio": "SAMPLE",
          "ListedShare": "1",
          "TickPrice1": "1",
          "TickIncrement1": "1",
          "TickPrice2": "1",
          "TickIncrement2": "1",
          "TickPrice3": "1",
          "TickIncrement3": "1",
          "TickPrice4": "1",
          "TickIncrement4": "1"
  "message": "Undefine",
  "status": "Undefine",
  "totalRecord": 0

Request Information


Property Name Data Type Sample value Required Description
Symbol String SAMPLE NO
PageIndex Int32 100 NO Number of page, start from 1, default 1
PageSize Int32 1 NO Size of a page, 10; 20; 50; 100; 1000 Default 10

Response Information


Property Name Data Type Property Name Data Type Sample value Description
Data SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel [ ] RType String
Data SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel [ ] ReportDate String
Data SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel [ ] TotalNoSym String
Data SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel [ ] RepeatedInfo RepeatedInfo [ ]
Isin String
Symbol String
SymbolName String
SymbolEngName String
SecType String
MarketId String
Exchange String
Issuer String
LotSize String
IssueDate String
MaturityDate String
FirstTradingDate String
LastTradingDate String
ContractMultiplier String
SettlMethod String
Underlying String
PutOrCall String
ExercisePrice String
ExerciseStyle String
ExcerciseRatio String
ListedShare String
TickPrice1 String
TickIncrement1 String
TickPrice2 String
TickIncrement2 String
TickPrice3 String
TickIncrement3 String
TickPrice4 String
TickIncrement4 String

Syntax protocol message


Syntax Request Protocol 2 Message

syntax = "proto2";
package SSI.FastConnect.DataContracts.Market.Request;

message SecuritiesDetailsRequest {
   optional string Market = 1;
   optional string Symbol = 2;
   optional int32 PageIndex = 3 [default = 0];
   optional int32 PageSize = 4 [default = 0];

Syntax Request Protocol 3 Message

syntax = "proto3";
package SSI.FastConnect.DataContracts.Market.Request;

message SecuritiesDetailsRequest {
   string Market = 1;
   string Symbol = 2;
   int32 PageIndex = 3;
   int32 PageSize = 4;

Syntax Response Protocol 2 Message

syntax = "proto2";

message RepeatedInfo {
   optional string Isin = 5;
   optional string Symbol = 6;
   optional string SymbolName = 7;
   optional string SymbolEngName = 8;
   optional string SecType = 9;
   optional string MarketId = 10;
   optional string Exchange = 11;
   optional string Issuer = 12;
   optional string LotSize = 13;
   optional string IssueDate = 14;
   optional string MaturityDate = 15;
   optional string FirstTradingDate = 16;
   optional string LastTradingDate = 17;
   optional string ContractMultiplier = 18;
   optional string SettlMethod = 19;
   optional string Underlying = 20;
   optional string PutOrCall = 21;
   optional string ExercisePrice = 22;
   optional string ExerciseStyle = 23;
   optional string ExcerciseRatio = 24;
   optional string ListedShare = 25;
   optional string TickPrice1 = 26;
   optional string TickIncrement1 = 27;
   optional string TickPrice2 = 28;
   optional string TickIncrement2 = 29;
   optional string TickPrice3 = 30;
   optional string TickIncrement3 = 31;
   optional string TickPrice4 = 32;
   optional string TickIncrement4 = 33;
message ResponseBase_SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel {
   repeated SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel data = 1;
   optional string message = 2;
   optional string status = 3;
   optional int32 totalRecord = 4 [default = 0];
   oneof subtype {
      SecuritiesDetailsResponse SecuritiesDetailsResponse = 104;
message ResponseClient_SecuritiesDetailsResponse {
   optional bytes Data = 1;
   optional string Message = 2;
   optional int32 StatusCode = 3 [default = 0];
message SecuritiesDetailsResponse {
message SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel {
   optional string RType = 1;
   optional string ReportDate = 2;
   optional string TotalNoSym = 3;
   repeated RepeatedInfo RepeatedInfo = 4;

Syntax Response Protocol 3 Message

syntax = "proto3";

message RepeatedInfo {
   string Isin = 5;
   string Symbol = 6;
   string SymbolName = 7;
   string SymbolEngName = 8;
   string SecType = 9;
   string MarketId = 10;
   string Exchange = 11;
   string Issuer = 12;
   string LotSize = 13;
   string IssueDate = 14;
   string MaturityDate = 15;
   string FirstTradingDate = 16;
   string LastTradingDate = 17;
   string ContractMultiplier = 18;
   string SettlMethod = 19;
   string Underlying = 20;
   string PutOrCall = 21;
   string ExercisePrice = 22;
   string ExerciseStyle = 23;
   string ExcerciseRatio = 24;
   string ListedShare = 25;
   string TickPrice1 = 26;
   string TickIncrement1 = 27;
   string TickPrice2 = 28;
   string TickIncrement2 = 29;
   string TickPrice3 = 30;
   string TickIncrement3 = 31;
   string TickPrice4 = 32;
   string TickIncrement4 = 33;
message ResponseBase_SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel {
   repeated SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel data = 1;
   string message = 2;
   string status = 3;
   int32 totalRecord = 4;
   oneof subtype {
      SecuritiesDetailsResponse SecuritiesDetailsResponse = 104;
message ResponseClient_SecuritiesDetailsResponse {
   bytes Data = 1;
   string Message = 2;
   int32 StatusCode = 3;
message SecuritiesDetailsResponse {
message SecuritiesDetailsResponseModel {
   string RType = 1;
   string ReportDate = 2;
   string TotalNoSym = 3;
   repeated RepeatedInfo RepeatedInfo = 4;